Infection Prevention & Control
KMC Infection Control
Infection control prevents or stops the spread of infections in healthcare settings. Infection Control is a practical, evidence-based approach preventing patients and health workers from being harmed by avoidable infections. Effective infection control requires constant action at all levels: facility managers, health workers, and those who access health services. Without effective Infection Control it is impossible to achieve quality health care delivery.
Infection prevention and control effects all aspects of health care, including hand hygiene, injection safety, antimicrobial resistance and how we operate during and outside of emergencies.
KMC Infection Control Committee
The goal of the Infection Committee Members identified above is to consistently meet the responsibility to patients, employees, and visitors to provide a safe environment of care evaluation, formulation of corrective actions and follow up for injuries to employees, visitors, and patients will be conducted. Safety Committee members will participate in and assist with development and review of the six environment of care management plans for the Joint Commission. The Committee will oversee the environment of care orientation of new employees as well as on-going safety education for all K’ima:w Medical Center personnel.
KMC Infection Control Committee Members
Angie Brown, Director of Nursing, Infection Control Coordinator
George Gallap, Imaging Manager
Stephen Stake, CEO
Jessica Mosier, Interim COO
Jessica Mosier, AQO
Warren Tamerius, CHRO
Ossie Young, Dental Manager
Clara Jordan, Dental Infection Control Representative/Dental Fit Testing Coordinator
Dr. Eva Smith, Medical Director, Public Health Officer
Dr. Dagim Taddesse, Pharmacy Director, Diabetes Infection Control Representative
Boyd Ferris, Behavioral Health Director
Helen Pellegrini, Safety Officer/Lab Infection Control Representative
Elton Baldy, Facilities/Security Supervisor
Darcey McCovey, Transportation Manager
Sunshine Jackson, Revenue Cycle Manager
K’ima:w Medical Center
535 Airport Rd PO Box 1288
Hoopa, CA 95546